How to remove the error icon for correct ST-code?

If you enter and save a faulty ST-code, the ST-code is highlighted as faulty and the icon  is displayed on the left edge. Usually this highlighting and the error icon are removed right after the faulty ST-code has been corrected. However, it is possible that the highlighting and the error icon are not removed in case of certain scenarios.

   Var1 : INT;
  Var1 := ADD(IN1 := 2, IN2 = 1);
  (* 'IN2 = 1' in this line is highlighted as error. The error icon is displayed for this line. *)
  (* When correcting 'IN2 = 1' to the correct syntax 'IN2 := 1', 'IN2 := 1' is still highlighted as error. The error icon is still displayed for this line. *)

Workaround: Save the corrected ST-code so that the highlighting and the icon  are removed.